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1974, №4378-4379, Деятели большевисткой партии, 2 квартблока* 1974, № 4378-4379, Figures bolshevistkoy party, 2 bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.49/ €1.39)
113.00 rub ($1.35/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, №4364-4366, 30 лет Освобождения Советских Республик, 3 квартблока* 1974, № 4364-4366, 30 years of liberation of the Soviet Republics, 3 bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.49/ €1.39)
113.00 rub ($1.35/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 2
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1974, №4360, Буденый, квартблок 1974, № 4360, Boudin, bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.49/ €1.39)
113.00 rub ($1.35/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 2
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1974, №4356, Конкурс Чайковского, квартблок 1974, № 4356, Tchaikovsky Competition, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.48/ €0.44)
36.00 rub ($0.43/ €0.4)
Qty in stock: 2
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1974, №4349, Музей Революции, квартблок 1974, № 4349, the Museum of the Revolution, Quartblock
50.00 rub ($0.6/ €0.56)
45.00 rub ($0.54/ €0.5)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, №4324, 100 лет Азербайджанскому Театру, квартблок 1974, № 4324, 100 years of Azerbaijan theater, bl of 4
25.00 rub ($0.3/ €0.28)
23.00 rub ($0.27/ €0.26)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, №4321, Зимняя Спартакиада народов СССР, квартблок SU, 1974, Winter Sports of the USSR, bl of 4
110.00 rub ($1.31/ €1.22)
99.00 rub ($1.18/ €1.1)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, №4318, 50 лет Нахичеванской АССР, квартблок SU, 1974, 50 years of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, bl of 4
30.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.33)
27.00 rub ($0.32/ €0.3)
Qty in stock: 2
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1974, №4316, Арцимович, квартблок 1974, № 4316, Artsimovich, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.48/ €0.44)
36.00 rub ($0.43/ €0.4)
Qty in stock: 2
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1974, № 4420, 250 лет Ленинградскому Монетному Двору, квартблок 1974, № 4420, 250 years Leningrad Mint, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.48/ €0.44)
36.00 rub ($0.43/ €0.4)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, № 4312, 30 лет Снятия блокады, квартблок 1974, № 4312, 30 years to lift the blockade, bl of 4
60.00 rub ($0.71/ €0.67)
54.00 rub ($0.64/ €0.6)
Qty in stock: 2
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1974, № 4311, 25 лет СЭВ, квартблок 1974, № 4311, 25 years CMEA bl of 4
30.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.33)
27.00 rub ($0.32/ €0.3)
Qty in stock: 1
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