Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991 « 1961-1991 Years « Block of 4, years 1976-1980

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    СССР, 1979, №5030, Самолет Ту 154, квартблок 1979, № 5030, TU 154, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №4938-4942, Паровозы, 5 квартблоков 1979, № 4938-4942, locomotives, 5 bl of 4
    630.00 rub ($7/ €6.7)
    567.00 rub ($6.3/ €6.03)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №5001-5005, Птицы, 5 квартблоков 1979, № 5001-5005, Birds, 5 bl of 4
    510.00 rub ($5.67/ €5.43)
    459.00 rub ($5.1/ €4.88)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №4984-4988, Цветы в живописи, 5 квартблоков 1979, № 4984-4988, color in painting, 5 bl of 4
    380.00 rub ($4.22/ €4.04)
    342.00 rub ($3.8/ €3.64)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1980, №5108, Транспортный космический корабль, квартблок SU, 1980, Transport spaceship, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №5018 - 5020, Программа мира, 3 квартблока SU, 1979, Peace Programme, 3 bl of 4
    200.00 rub ($2.22/ €2.13)
    180.00 rub ($2/ €1.91)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №5009, 60 - летие войск связи, квартблок SU, 1979, 60 - anniversary of the Signal Corps, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №5017, Зарубежное радиовещание, квартблок SU, 1979, Foreign broadcasting, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №4933, Кубинская революция, квартблок SU, 1979, The Cuban Revolution, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №5006, 30 - летие ГДР, квартблок SU, 1979, 30 - anniversary of the GDR, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №4967 - 4971, Народные художественные промыслы, 5 квартблоков SU, 1979, Folk arts and crafts, 5 bl of 4
    320.00 rub ($3.56/ €3.4)
    288.00 rub ($3.2/ €3.06)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1979, №4983, Выставка "60 - летие кино", квартблок SU, 1979, Exhibition "60 - anniversary of the movie", bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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