Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991 « 1961-1991 Years « Block of 4, years 1976-1980

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    СССР, 1978, №4819-4823, Паровозы, 5 квартблоков 1978, № 4819-4823, Locomotives, 5 bl of 4
    390.00 rub ($4.33/ €4.15)
    351.00 rub ($3.9/ €3.73)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1977, №4775-4779, Почтовая Связь, 5 квартблоков 1977, № 4775-4779, Postal Service, 5 bl of 4
    320.00 rub ($3.56/ €3.4)
    288.00 rub ($3.2/ €3.06)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1978, №4799-4801, 60 лет ВС, 3 квартблока 1978, № 4799-4801, 60 years, Sun, 3 bl of 4
    200.00 rub ($2.22/ €2.13)
    180.00 rub ($2/ €1.91)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1978, №4846-4850, Фауна Антарктиды, 5 квартблоков 1978, № 4846-4850, Fauna Antarctica, 5 bl of 4
    1 200.00 rub ($13.33/ €12.77)
    1 080.00 rub ($12/ €11.49)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1978, №4842-4843, 60 лет Комсомола, 2 квартблока 1978, № 4842-4843, 60 years of Communist Youth League, 2 bl of 4
    200.00 rub ($2.22/ €2.13)
    180.00 rub ($2/ €1.91)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1976, №4571, С. Вургун, квартблок 1976, № 4571, Vurgun, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1976, №4557, 20 лет ядерному институту в Дубне, квартблок* 1976, Institute, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    СССР, 1976, №4662-4666, Ледоколы, 5 квартблоков 1976, № 4662-4666, Icebreakers, 5 bl of 4
    660.00 rub ($7.33/ €7.02)
    594.00 rub ($6.6/ €6.32)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1976, №4644-4648, Самолеты, 5 квартблоков 1976, № 4644-4648, Planes, 5 bl of 4
    390.00 rub ($4.33/ €4.15)
    351.00 rub ($3.9/ €3.73)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1978, №4796, XVIII Съезд ВЛКСМ, квартблок 1978, № 4796, XVIII Congress of the Young Communist League, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1978, №4852, У. Гарвей, квартблок 1978, № 4852, William Harvey, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1976, №4590, Герой ВОВ Павличенко, квартблок SU, 1976, WWII hero Paulichenka, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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