Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991 « 1961-1991 Years « Block of 4, years 1966-1970

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    СССР, 1969, №3824, Афганистан, квартблок_ SU, 1969, Afghanistan, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1969, №3813, 50 лет Войскам связи, квартблок SU, 1969, Signal corps, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1969, №3812, Филвыставка, квартблок SU, 1969, philatelic exhibition, bl of 4
    320.00 rub ($3.56/ €3.4)
    288.00 rub ($3.2/ €3.06)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    СССР, 1969, №3800, С.Грицевец, квартблок SU, 1969, S.Gritsevets, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1969, №3777, 100 лет Донецку, квартблок. SU, 1969, 100 years of Donetsk, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    СССР, 1969, №3776, Первая Конная, квартблок SU, 1969, cavalry army, bl of 4
    140.00 rub ($1.56/ €1.49)
    126.00 rub ($1.4/ €1.34)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1969, №3767, 25 - летие освобождения Белоруссии, квартблок SU, 1969, 25 - anniversary of the liberation of Belarus, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1969, №3766, Хоккей, вторая надпечатка, квартблок SU, 1969, Hockey, double overprint, bl of 4
    380.00 rub ($4.22/ €4.04)
    342.00 rub ($3.8/ €3.64)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1969, №3757, Кинофестиваль, квартблок SU, 1969, cinema festival, bl of 4
    110.00 rub ($1.22/ €1.17)
    99.00 rub ($1.1/ €1.05)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1969, №3748-3749, Деятели компартии, 2 квартблока SU, 1969, leaders of the Communist Party, 2 bl of 4
    140.00 rub ($1.56/ €1.49)
    126.00 rub ($1.4/ €1.34)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    СССР, 1969, №3747, Международная Организация Труда, квартблок SU, 1969, the International Labor Organization, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1969, №3730, Башкирская АССР, квартблок SU, 1969, Bashkiria, bl of 4
    90.00 rub ($1/ €0.96)
    81.00 rub ($0.9/ €0.86)
    Qty in stock: 2
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