Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991 « 1961-1991 Years « Block of 4, years 1966-1970

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    СССР, 1970, №3905, 25 лет ООН, квартблок SU, 1970, 25 years of UN, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1970, №3908, Договор с Польшей, квартблок SU, 1970, Treaty with Poland, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1970, №3920, Съезд ВОФ, квартблок SU, 1970, Congress VOF, bl og 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1970, №3921, В Киквидзе, квартблок SU, 1970, V.Kikvidze, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1970, №3922, Ереванский университет, квартблок SU, 1970, Yerevan University, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1970, №3926, Библиотека Вильнюсского университета, квартблок SU, 1970, Library of Vilnius University, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1970, №3928-30, Решения Пленума - в жизнь! 3 квартблока SU, 1970, Plenum solutions - to life! 3 bl of 4
    200.00 rub ($2.22/ €2.13)
    180.00 rub ($2/ €1.91)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    СССР, 1970, №3931, Слава Октябрю, квартблок SU,1970, Glory to October, bl of 4
    260.00 rub ($2.89/ €2.77)
    234.00 rub ($2.6/ €2.49)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    СССР, 1970, №3933, 50 лет ГОЭЛРО, Надпечатка, квартблок SU, 1970, 50 years of electrification, Overprint, bl of 4
    130.00 rub ($1.44/ €1.38)
    117.00 rub ($1.3/ €1.24)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    СССР, 1970, №3935, А. Байков, квартблок SU, 1970, Baikov, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1970, №3936, А. Цюрупа, квартблок SU, 1970, A.Tsyurupa, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    СССР, 1970, №3948, Декларация ООН, квартблок SU, 1970, The UN Declaration, bl of 4
    80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.85)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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