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СССР, 1967, Фестиваль Украинской молодёжи, С.Г., конверт USSR, 1967, the Festival of Ukrainian youth, envelope
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.43)
32.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.34)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР, 1981, С Новым годом! КПД USSR, 1981, Happy New Year! FDC
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.43)
32.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.34)
Qty in stock: 4
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СССР, 1967, 50 лет газете "Звезда" "Минск", С.Г., конверт USSR, 1967, 50 years of the newspaper "The Star", ,envelope
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.43)
32.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.34)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР, 1978, Всемирная выставка почтовых марок "Прага - 78", С.Г., конверт USSR, 1978, the World postage stamps exhibition "Prague - 78" ,envelope
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.43)
32.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.34)
Qty in stock: 2
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СССР, 1975, СОЦФИЛЭКС - 75 (квадратный штемпель), С.Г., конверт USSR, 1975, SOTSFILEKS - 75 (square stamp), envelope
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.43)
32.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.34)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР, 1975, СОЦФИЛЭКС - 75, С.Г., конверт USSR, 1975, SOTSFILEKS - 75, envelope
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.43)
32.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.34)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР, 1981, Искусство. Русская  живопись, КПД, 4 конверта USSR, 1981, Russian painting, FDC, 4 envelope
140.00 rub ($1.56/ €1.49)
112.00 rub ($1.24/ €1.19)
Qty in stock: 9
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СССР, 1975, Искусство, 500 лет со дня рождения Микеланжело, КПД, 6 конвертов USSR, 1975, 500 years since the birth of Michelangelo, FDC, 6 envelopes
250.00 rub ($2.78/ €2.66)
200.00 rub ($2.22/ €2.13)
Qty in stock: 4
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СССР, 1985, 75 лет со дня рождения Е.К.Фёдорова, С.Г. (конверт прошедший почту) USSR, 1985, 75 years since the birth E.K.Fёdorova, postcard post passed
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.43)
32.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.34)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР, 1980, Иваново, КПД USSR, 1980, Ivanovo, FDC
30.00 rub ($0.33/ €0.32)
24.00 rub ($0.27/ €0.26)
Qty in stock: 11
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СССР, 1977, Спорт. Игры XXII Олимпиады, КПД, 5 конвертов USSR, 1977, Games of the XXII Olympiad, FDC, 5 envelopes
220.00 rub ($2.44/ €2.34)
176.00 rub ($1.96/ €1.87)
Qty in stock: 2
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СССР, 1981, 64-я годовщина Октября! КПД USSR, 1981, the 64 anniversary of October! FDC
30.00 rub ($0.33/ €0.32)
24.00 rub ($0.27/ €0.26)
Qty in stock: 7
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