Stamps « Germany

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Баден (Французская зона оккупации), 1949, Инженерный конгресс, Констанца, 1 марка 340 евро Baden (French zone of occupation), 1949, Engineering Congress, Constanta, 1v
4 200.00 rub ($50/ €46.67)
3 360.00 rub ($40/ €37.33)
Qty in stock: 1
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ФРГ, 1980, Конгресс ФИП, лист Germany, 1980, the Congress of FIP, m\s
190.00 rub ($2.26/ €2.11)
152.00 rub ($1.81/ €1.69)
Qty in stock: 2
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Германия ЭКСПО 2000, 6 марок
150.00 rub ($1.79/ €1.67)
120.00 rub ($1.43/ €1.33)
Qty in stock: 6
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Германия 1999, Филателистическая выставка, блок Germany 1999, Philatelic exhibition, block
120.00 rub ($1.43/ €1.33)
96.00 rub ($1.14/ €1.07)
Qty in stock: 2
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Германия 1999, 50 лет Конституции, блок Germany 1999,50 years of the Constitution, block
80.00 rub ($0.95/ €0.89)
64.00 rub ($0.76/ €0.71)
Qty in stock: 1
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Германия, 1994, Сказки, блок Germany, 1994, Fairy tales, block
70.00 rub ($0.83/ €0.78)
56.00 rub ($0.67/ €0.62)
Qty in stock: 2
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ФРГ, 1990, Выставка почтовых марок, Дети, блок Germany, 1990, Exhibition of postage stamps, Children, s\s
220.00 rub ($2.62/ €2.44)
176.00 rub ($2.1/ €1.96)
Qty in stock: 1
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ФРГ 1986, Архитектура, блок Federal Republic of Germany 1986, Architecture, block
150.00 rub ($1.79/ €1.67)
120.00 rub ($1.43/ €1.33)
Qty in stock: 1
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Берлин, 1980, 150 лет музею, Скульптура, Медальон, 2 марки Berlin, 1980, 150 years of the museum, Sculpture, Medallion, 2v
120.00 rub ($1.43/ €1.33)
96.00 rub ($1.14/ €1.07)
Qty in stock: 1
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Берлин, 1978, Живопись, К.Хофер, 1 марка Berlin, 1978, arts, K.Hofer 1v
100.00 rub ($1.19/ €1.11)
80.00 rub ($0.95/ €0.89)
Qty in stock: 1
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Берлин, 1981, Рождество, 1 марка Berlin, 1981, Christmas Day, 1v
60.00 rub ($0.71/ €0.67)
48.00 rub ($0.57/ €0.53)
Qty in stock: 1
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ФРГ, 1976, Рождество, Витражи, Живопись, блок Germany, 1976, christmas, stained glass, painting, s\s
105.00 rub ($1.25/ €1.17)
84.00 rub ($1/ €0.93)
Qty in stock: 1
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