Stamps « Germany

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Германия 1995, Детские Рисунки, блок Germany, 1995, Children's drawings, s/s
110.00 rub ($1.31/ €1.22)
88.00 rub ($1.05/ €0.98)
Qty in stock: 1
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ФРГ, 1994. 50 лет марке. 1 Дем 1994 "D"+ буклет Germany, 50 Years of "Deutsche mark" 1 DeM 1994 in booklet
200.00 rub ($2.38/ €2.22)
Qty in stock: 1
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Германия, 1922, 500 Рейхсмарк, Дюрер Germany, 1922, 500 RM
350.00 rub ($4.17/ €3.89)
Qty in stock: 1
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ФРГ, 1952, 500 лет Леонардо да Винчи, Джоконда, 1 марка Germany, 1952, 500 years of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, 1v
140.00 rub ($1.67/ €1.56)
112.00 rub ($1.33/ €1.24)
Qty in stock: 5
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ФРГ,1989, Цирк, 4 марки Germany, 1989,circus , 4v
300.00 rub ($3.57/ €3.33)
240.00 rub ($2.86/ €2.67)
Qty in stock: 1
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ФРГ, Рождество, Сказки 1990, 4 марки
100.00 rub ($1.19/ €1.11)
80.00 rub ($0.95/ €0.89)
Qty in stock: 1
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Германия, История спорта 1991, 4 марки Germany. 1991, Sport. 4 v
110.00 rub ($1.31/ €1.22)
88.00 rub ($1.05/ €0.98)
Qty in stock: 5
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ФРГ, 1955, Международный почтовый перевод Germany, 1955, International postal order
200.00 rub ($2.38/ €2.22)
160.00 rub ($1.9/ €1.78)
Qty in stock: 1
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Генералгубернаторство № 96-100. Культурный фонд. Коперник. 5 марок Cultural fund
200.00 rub ($2.38/ €2.22)
160.00 rub ($1.9/ €1.78)
Qty in stock: 1
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Баден (Французская зона оккупации), 1949, Инженерный конгресс, Констанца, 1 марка 340 евро Baden (French zone of occupation), 1949, Engineering Congress, Constanta, 1v
4 200.00 rub ($50/ €46.67)
3 360.00 rub ($40/ €37.33)
Qty in stock: 1
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ФРГ, 1980, Конгресс ФИП, лист Germany, 1980, the Congress of FIP, m\s
190.00 rub ($2.26/ €2.11)
152.00 rub ($1.81/ €1.69)
Qty in stock: 2
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Германия ЭКСПО 2000, 6 марок
150.00 rub ($1.79/ €1.67)
120.00 rub ($1.43/ €1.33)
Qty in stock: 6
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