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    Мальта, Европа 1986, Бабочки, 2 марки Malta, Butterflies, 1986, 2 v
    90.00 rub ($1/ €0.96)
    72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.77)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    Россия, 2023, Воронежский Заповедник, буклет Russia, 2023, National Park, special pack
    1 310.00 rub ($14.56/ €13.94)
    1 179.00 rub ($13.1/ €12.54)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    Палау, 2001, Бабочки,  лист Palau, 2001, Butterflies, m\s
    200.00 rub ($2.22/ €2.13)
    160.00 rub ($1.78/ €1.7)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    Палау, 1989, Год юного читателя, лист Palau, 1989, Year of the young reader, m/s
    390.00 rub ($4.33/ €4.15)
    312.00 rub ($3.47/ €3.32)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    Нидерланды, 1971, Детский выпуск, Флора, блок Netherlands, 1971 issue of Child, Flora, s\s
    160.00 rub ($1.78/ €1.7)
    128.00 rub ($1.42/ €1.36)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    Танзания, 1999, Бабочки, Птицы, лист + блок Tanzania, 1999, Butterflies, Birds, Flowers, sheetlet +s/s
    330.00 rub ($3.67/ €3.51)
    264.00 rub ($2.93/ €2.81)
    Qty in stock: 3
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    Лесото, 1997, Бабочки, лист Lesotho, 1997, Butterflies, m\s
    180.00 rub ($2/ €1.91)
    144.00 rub ($1.6/ €1.53)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    Сент-Винсент и Гренадины, 2001, Бабочки, лист Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 2001, Butterflies, m\s
    200.00 rub ($2.22/ €2.13)
    160.00 rub ($1.78/ €1.7)
    Qty in stock: 2
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    Сент-Китс, 2001, Бабочки Карибов, лист Saint Kitts, 2001, Butterflies of the Caribbean, m\s
    180.00 rub ($2/ €1.91)
    144.00 rub ($1.6/ €1.53)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    Габон, 1997, Цветы и Бабочки, малый лист Gabon, 1997, Flowers, sheetlet
    250.00 rub ($2.78/ €2.66)
    200.00 rub ($2.22/ €2.13)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    Ангола, 2000, Фауна, Птицы, Рыбы, 2 листа Angola, 2000, Fauna, Birds, Fish, 2m\s
    600.00 rub ($6.67/ €6.38)
    480.00 rub ($5.33/ €5.11)
    Qty in stock: 1
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    Танзания, 1999, Бабочки, блок Tanzania, 1999, Butterflies, s\s
    170.00 rub ($1.89/ €1.81)
    136.00 rub ($1.51/ €1.45)
    Qty in stock: 2
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