Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991 « 1961-1991 Years

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1986, №5786-5790, Решения XXVII Съезда КПСС в Жизнь, 5 квартблоков SU, 1986, Solutions XXVII Congress of the CPSU in the Life, 5 bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.49/ €1.39)
113.00 rub ($1.35/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 1
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1986, № 5724-5728, Ядовитые Грибы, 5 квартблоков SU, 1986, Poisonous Mushrooms, 5 bl of 4
180.00 rub ($2.14/ €2)
162.00 rub ($1.93/ €1.8)
Qty in stock: 1
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1986, №5770-5774, Паровозы, 5 квартблоков SU, 1986, Locomotives, 5 bl of 4
460.00 rub ($5.48/ €5.11)
414.00 rub ($4.93/ €4.6)
Qty in stock: 1
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1986, № 5779, 275 л. Ломоносову, квартблок SU, 1986, 275 liters. Lomonosov, bl of 4
50.00 rub ($0.6/ €0.56)
45.00 rub ($0.54/ €0.5)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР, 1984, № 5564, 40 лет Освобождения Украины, квартблок 1984, № 5564, 40 years of liberation of Ukraine, bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.49/ €1.39)
113.00 rub ($1.35/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР, 1984, № 5552-5553, Матчи на первенства мира по шахматам, 2 квартблока 1984, № 5552-5553, Matches for the World Chess Championship, 2 bl of 4
190.00 rub ($2.26/ €2.11)
171.00 rub ($2.04/ €1.9)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР 1984, №5522, Космос, Полет "Салют 7" - "Союз Т-9", квартблок USSR 1984, № 5522, Space, Flying "Salyut 7" - "Soyuz T-9", bl of 4
65.00 rub ($0.77/ €0.72)
59.00 rub ($0.7/ €0.66)
Qty in stock: 2
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СССР, 1982, № 5329, Карпов Чем.Мира, Надпечатка, квартблок* SU, 1982, Karpov Chem.Mira, overprint, bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.49/ €1.39)
113.00 rub ($1.35/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 2
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СССР, 1982, № 5264, XVII Съезд профсоюзов, квартблок SU, 1982, XVII Congress of Trade Unions, bl of 4
65.00 rub ($0.77/ €0.72)
59.00 rub ($0.7/ €0.66)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР, 1982, № 5258, 1500 лет Киеву, квартблок SU, 1982, Kiev 1500 years, bl of 4
95.00 rub ($1.13/ €1.06)
86.00 rub ($1.02/ €0.96)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР 1984, №5483-87, Английская  живопись, 5 квартблоков с правым нижним купоном The Soviet Union in 1984, English Painting, bl of 4 the right bottom of the coupon
320.00 rub ($3.81/ €3.56)
288.00 rub ($3.43/ €3.2)
Qty in stock: 1
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СССР 1984, №5483-87, Английская  живопись, 5 квартблоков с правым верхним купоном SU 1984, English Painting, 5 bl of 4ock
275.00 rub ($3.27/ €3.06)
248.00 rub ($2.95/ €2.76)
Qty in stock: 1
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