Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991 « 1961-1991 Years

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1973, №4205, И.Бабушкин, квартблок SU, 1973, I.Babushkin, bl of 4
66.00 rub ($0.79/ €0.73)
59.00 rub ($0.7/ €0.66)
Qty in stock: 2
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1971, №4074-4079, Корабли, 5  квартблоков 1971, № 4074-4079, Ships, 5 bl of 4
1 300.00 rub ($15.48/ €14.44)
1 170.00 rub ($13.93/ €13)
Qty in stock: 1
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1970, №3954-3955, Зимняя Спартакиада Профсоюзов, 2  квартблока 1970, № 3954-3955, Winter Olympics Trade Unions, 2 Bl of 4
100.00 rub ($1.19/ €1.11)
90.00 rub ($1.07/ €1)
Qty in stock: 1
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1970, №3923-3925, Пионеры, 3 квартблока 1970, № 3923-3925, Pioneers, 3 Quartblock
120.00 rub ($1.43/ €1.33)
108.00 rub ($1.29/ €1.2)
Qty in stock: 1
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1970, №3906, Ф. Энгельс, квартблок 1970, № 3906, Engels, bl of 4
50.00 rub ($0.6/ €0.56)
45.00 rub ($0.54/ €0.5)
Qty in stock: 1
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1970, №3897, XVI Съезд ВЛКСМ, квартблок 1970, № 3897, XVI Congress of the Young Communist League, Quartblock
180.00 rub ($2.14/ €2)
162.00 rub ($1.93/ €1.8)
Qty in stock: 2
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1970, №3873-3874, Партизаны ВОВ, 2 квартблока 1970, № 3873-3874, World War II partisans, 2 bl of 4
120.00 rub ($1.43/ €1.33)
108.00 rub ($1.29/ €1.2)
Qty in stock: 2
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1970, №3852-3853, 150 лет Открытия Антарктиды, 2  квартблока SU, 1970, 150 years of the discovery of Antarctica, 2 bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.49/ €1.39)
113.00 rub ($1.35/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 1
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1969, №3799, Комитас, квартблок SU, 1969, Komitas, bl of 4
75.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.83)
68.00 rub ($0.81/ €0.76)
Qty in stock: 2
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1969, №3786, В.Комаров, квартблок SU, 1969, V.Komarov, bl of 4
140.00 rub ($1.67/ €1.56)
126.00 rub ($1.5/ €1.4)
Qty in stock: 1
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1968, №3696, В.Лебединский, квартблок SU, 1968, V.Lebedinsky, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.48/ €0.44)
36.00 rub ($0.43/ €0.4)
Qty in stock: 1
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1968, №3662 - 3663, День коллекционера, 2 квартблока. SU, 1968, Day collector, 2 bl of 4
115.00 rub ($1.37/ €1.28)
104.00 rub ($1.24/ €1.16)
Qty in stock: 1
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