Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991 « 1961-1991 Years

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1974, № 4312, 30 лет Снятия блокады, квартблок 1974, № 4312, 30 years to lift the blockade, bl of 4
60.00 rub ($0.71/ €0.67)
54.00 rub ($0.64/ €0.6)
Qty in stock: 2
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1974, № 4311, 25 лет СЭВ, квартблок 1974, № 4311, 25 years CMEA bl of 4
30.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.33)
27.00 rub ($0.32/ €0.3)
Qty in stock: 1
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1973,№ 4229-4235, Русская Живопись, 7 квартблоков 1973, № 4229-4235, Russian Painting, 7 bl of 4
620.00 rub ($7.38/ €6.89)
558.00 rub ($6.64/ €6.2)
Qty in stock: 1
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1973, №4309, Советские ученые, Петровский, квартблок 1973, № 4309, Soviet scientists, Petrovsky, bl of 4
30.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.33)
27.00 rub ($0.32/ €0.3)
Qty in stock: 1
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1973, №4289, С. Альенде, квартблок 1973, № 4289, Salvador Allende, bl of 4
70.00 rub ($0.83/ €0.78)
63.00 rub ($0.75/ €0.7)
Qty in stock: 1
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1973, №4283, Конгресс Мироолюбивых Сил, квартблок SU, 1973, № 4283, Congress Miroolyubivyh Forces Quartblock
30.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.33)
27.00 rub ($0.32/ €0.3)
Qty in stock: 1
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1973, №4281, Журнал "Проблемы мира и социализма", квартблок SU? 1973, "Problems of Peace and Socialism", bl of 4
115.00 rub ($1.37/ €1.28)
104.00 rub ($1.24/ €1.16)
Qty in stock: 1
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1973, №4270, Конференция писателей Азии и Африки, квартблок SU, 1973, № 4270, Writers Conference of Asia and Africa, bl of 4
30.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.33)
27.00 rub ($0.32/ €0.3)
Qty in stock: 1
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1973, №4247, 70 лет Съезда РСДРП, квартблок 1973, № 4247, 70 years of the Congress of the RSDLP, bl of 4
150.00 rub ($1.79/ €1.67)
135.00 rub ($1.61/ €1.5)
Qty in stock: 2
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1973, №4242 - 4245, Универсиада, 4 квартблока SU, 1973, Universiade, 4 bl of 4
230.00 rub ($2.74/ €2.56)
207.00 rub ($2.46/ €2.3)
Qty in stock: 2
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1973, №4216, А. Островский, квартблок 1973, № 4216, Ostrovsky, bl of 4
90.00 rub ($1.07/ €1)
81.00 rub ($0.96/ €0.9)
Qty in stock: 1
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1973, №4208 - 4211, 30 - летие Сталинградской битвы, 4 квартблока SU, 1973, 30 - anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad, 4 bl of 4
360.00 rub ($4.29/ €4)
324.00 rub ($3.86/ €3.6)
Qty in stock: 2
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