Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991

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1989, №6095, 150 лет Пулковской обсерватории, 1 квартблок SU, 1989, 150 years of the Pulkovo Observatory, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.48/ €0.44)
36.00 rub ($0.43/ €0.4)
Qty in stock: 1
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1988, №5952, Космический полет СССР-Болгари, 1 квартблок 1988, № 5952, the Space Flight USSR-Bulgaria, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.48/ €0.44)
36.00 rub ($0.43/ €0.4)
Qty in stock: 1
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1988, №5941-42, Перестройка, 2 листа SU, 1988, Restructuring, 2 sheets
600.00 rub ($7.14/ €6.67)
540.00 rub ($6.43/ €6)
Qty in stock: 4
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1987, №5859-5863, История Почты, 5 квартблоков SU, 1987, History Post, 5 bl of 4
150.00 rub ($1.79/ €1.67)
135.00 rub ($1.61/ €1.5)
Qty in stock: 2
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1987, №5853, Кинофестиваль, 1 квартблок SU, 1988, Film Festival, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.48/ €0.44)
36.00 rub ($0.43/ €0.4)
Qty in stock: 1
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1987, №5846-5850, Папоротники, 5 квартблоков SU, 1987, Ferns, 5 bl oа 4
170.00 rub ($2.02/ €1.89)
153.00 rub ($1.82/ €1.7)
Qty in stock: 1
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1987, №5827, Велогонка Мира, 1 квартблок SU, 1987, Cycling World, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.48/ €0.44)
36.00 rub ($0.43/ €0.4)
Qty in stock: 2
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1987, №5819-5821, День космонавтики, 3 квартблока SU, 1987, Cosmonautics Day, 3 bl of 4
80.00 rub ($0.95/ €0.89)
72.00 rub ($0.86/ €0.8)
Qty in stock: 1
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1987, №5806-5809, Альпийские лагеря, 4  квартблока SU, 1987, Alpine Camp ,4 bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.49/ €1.39)
113.00 rub ($1.35/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 1
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1987, №5798, Съезд профсоюзов, квартблок 1987, № 5798, the Congress of Trade Unions, Bl of 4
30.00 rub ($0.36/ €0.33)
27.00 rub ($0.32/ €0.3)
Qty in stock: 1
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1986, №5786-5790, Решения XXVII Съезда КПСС в Жизнь, 5 квартблоков SU, 1986, Solutions XXVII Congress of the CPSU in the Life, 5 bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.49/ €1.39)
113.00 rub ($1.35/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 1
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1986, №5777, 40 лет ЮНЕСКО , квартблок SU, 1986, 40 years UNESCO, bl of 4
45.00 rub ($0.54/ €0.5)
41.00 rub ($0.49/ €0.46)
Qty in stock: 2
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