Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991

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1975, №4450-4455, 30 лет Победы в ВОВ, 6 квартблоков 1975, № 4450-4455, 30 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, 6 bl of 4
220.00 rub ($2.44/ €2.34)
198.00 rub ($2.2/ €2.11)
Qty in stock: 1
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1975, №4444, 50 лет Дипл.Отношениям СССР - Франция, квартблок 1975, № 4444, 50 years Dipl.Otnosheniyam Soviet Union - France, Quartblock
65.00 rub ($0.72/ €0.69)
59.00 rub ($0.66/ €0.63)
Qty in stock: 2
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1975, №4441, Чехословакия, квартблок SU, 1975, Czechoslovakia, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.43)
36.00 rub ($0.4/ €0.38)
Qty in stock: 1
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1975, №4428, Газета "Пионерская Правда", квартблок* 1975, № 4428, newspaper "Pioneer Pravda", bl o 4
66.00 rub ($0.73/ €0.7)
59.00 rub ($0.66/ €0.63)
Qty in stock: 1
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1975, №4427, Газета "Комсомольская Правда", квартблок* 1975, № 4427, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", bl of 4
66.00 rub ($0.73/ €0.7)
59.00 rub ($0.66/ €0.63)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, №4423, Смотр Творчества Молодежи, квартблок 1974, № 4423, Review of Youth Creativity, bl of 4
25.00 rub ($0.28/ €0.27)
23.00 rub ($0.26/ €0.24)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, №4398-4400, 57 Годовщина Октября, 3 квартблока* 1974, № 4398-4400, 57 October Anniversary, 3 Quartblock *
270.00 rub ($3/ €2.87)
243.00 rub ($2.7/ €2.59)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, №4393, 150 лет Малому Театру, квартблок* 1974, № 4393​​, 150 years Maly Theatre, bl of 4
25.00 rub ($0.28/ €0.27)
23.00 rub ($0.26/ €0.24)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, №4389, Болгария, квартблок 1974, № 4389, Bulgaria, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.43)
36.00 rub ($0.4/ €0.38)
Qty in stock: 2
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1974, №4378-4379, Деятели большевисткой партии, 2 квартблока* 1974, № 4378-4379, Figures bolshevistkoy party, 2 bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.39/ €1.33)
113.00 rub ($1.26/ €1.2)
Qty in stock: 1
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1974, №4364-4366, 30 лет Освобождения Советских Республик, 3 квартблока* 1974, № 4364-4366, 30 years of liberation of the Soviet Republics, 3 bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.39/ €1.33)
113.00 rub ($1.26/ €1.2)
Qty in stock: 2
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1974, №4360, Буденый, квартблок 1974, № 4360, Boudin, bl of 4
125.00 rub ($1.39/ €1.33)
113.00 rub ($1.26/ €1.2)
Qty in stock: 2
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