Stamps « SU & Russia after 1991

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1959, №2335 - 2338, Спартакиада народов СССР, 4 квартблока SU, 1959, Sports of the USSR, 4 bl of 4
1 250.00 rub ($13.89/ €12.5)
1 125.00 rub ($12.5/ €11.25)
Qty in stock: 1
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1959, №2338, Спартакиада народов СССР, квартблк с полем SU, 1959, Sports of the USSR, 4 bl of 4
260.00 rub ($2.89/ €2.6)
234.00 rub ($2.6/ €2.34)
Qty in stock: 1
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1961, №2577-83, Столицы Автономных Республик, серия из 7 марок SU, 1961, The capital of the Autonomous Republics, 7 v
375.00 rub ($4.17/ €3.75)
338.00 rub ($3.76/ €3.38)
Qty in stock: 1
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1963, № 2891, Терешкова, квартблок без.зубцов SU, 1963, Tereshkova, bl of 4, bez.zubtsov
480.00 rub ($5.33/ €4.8)
432.00 rub ($4.8/ €4.32)
Qty in stock: 1
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1963, №2946, 110 лет Академику Шухову, квартблок SU, 1963, 110 years Academician Shukhov, bl of 4
80.00 rub ($0.89/ €0.8)
72.00 rub ($0.8/ €0.72)
Qty in stock: 1
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1965,№3218, Конгресс по химии (IUPA), квартблок. SU, 1965, Congress on Chemistry (IUPA), bl of 4
38.00 rub ($0.42/ €0.38)
34.00 rub ($0.38/ €0.34)
Qty in stock: 1
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1966, №3373 - 3374, Баргузинский заповедник, 2 квартблока SU,1966, Barguzinsky reserve, 2 bl of 4
500.00 rub ($5.56/ €5)
450.00 rub ($5/ €4.5)
Qty in stock: 1
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1967, №3485 - 3487, Партизаны Отечественной войны,  3 квартблока SU, 1967, Partisans of the Patriotic War, 3 bl of 4
150.00 rub ($1.67/ €1.5)
135.00 rub ($1.5/ €1.35)
Qty in stock: 1
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1968, №3662 - 3663, День коллекционера, 2 квартблока. SU, 1968, Day collector, 2 bl of 4
115.00 rub ($1.28/ €1.15)
104.00 rub ($1.16/ €1.04)
Qty in stock: 1
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1968, №3696, В.Лебединский, квартблок SU, 1968, V.Lebedinsky, bl of 4
40.00 rub ($0.44/ €0.4)
36.00 rub ($0.4/ €0.36)
Qty in stock: 1
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1969, №3786, В.Комаров, квартблок SU, 1969, V.Komarov, bl of 4
140.00 rub ($1.56/ €1.4)
126.00 rub ($1.4/ €1.26)
Qty in stock: 1
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1969, №3799, Комитас, квартблок SU, 1969, Komitas, bl of 4
75.00 rub ($0.83/ €0.75)
68.00 rub ($0.76/ €0.68)
Qty in stock: 2
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